Become a Patron
Make an impact on our community. Every child deserves the opportunity to reach his or her potential. When education is valued in a community, the community thrives both socially and economically. PEF is able to make an impact through generous donations of community members and businesses who take a leadership position and donate at the Patron level ($1,000 and above).
Become a Member
By becoming a PEF member, you receive exclusive discounts and promotions from a growing consortium local business partners, while directly supporting your children’s access to music, arts, and science education for years to come. We encourage donors to consider becoming members at the $125, $250, $500, or $1,000 levels. Donations of all amounts are welcome and greatly appreciated. Join Today!
Donation Days
Every fall, PEF holds it's annual Donation Days fundraiser. PEF representatives will be at all the schools in the district collecting donations. Learn more about the great work PEF does and support education in Pacifica. Show your school spirit by being the biggest fundraising school!
Corporate Matching
Make the most of your donation! Many employers will match donations made by their employees. Check with your Human Resources department to see if your company matches gifts. Remember to to see if your partner, your parents, or your friends work for a company that can match their much appreciated donations for education in Pacifica!
Another way to support PEF is by attending, participating, or volunteering in our annual events.
Spring Gala - This is a great night out for adults that features live performances by Pacifica elementary school musicians and poets, silent auction, appetizers, cocktails, and dancing. Meet up with your friends from all the schools in Pacifica and have fun while supporting education in Pacifica.
Community Events - These are events planned by community members where some or all of the proceeds go to PEF. Follow us on Facebook to learn about community events benefitting PEF!